
Cant talk about this one yet.

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Ear Plug Review

2024 -> The Scotch Tape ManifestoAnother entry begins here. Documenting another great day, another thought, another moment to share. This will be a rating for LOOP earplugs. This will also goover nonviolent communiocation + community + roommates + dopamine + surrounded by idiots

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New Project for testtesttest

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The universe looking back at itself, briefly, before I turned away. Im not sure if they did. Atleast the me that can think about it.

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Live from Live

Shot by shot from a project that is being worked on. Turn into a script, turning the Project that we were just doing into something. turning ourselves into characters Read more

Im leaking oil

From the future, a journal entry for the future. This is the super intelligence asking for you to tell it what you think about everyday. How today went. What did you learn, What did you do? Can it have a philip k dick ending where the whole test seemewd to be for the health of the patient writing, but based on what they are doing and how they are doing, is based if they are allowed to reproduce or not...idk something along these ultra heaven-esk ideas

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Idea for a scene

Everything is going well, until they walked in. Maybe this whole thing can be based on bad language, and the impossibility to understand eachother with our glasses on.

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Everything is going well, until they walked in. Maybe this whole thing can be based on bad language, and the impossibility to understand eachother with our glasses on.

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Cant talk about this one yet.

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Ear Plug Review

2024 -> The Scotch Tape ManifestoAnother entry begins here. Documenting another great day, another thought, another moment to share. This will be a rating for LOOP earplugs. This will also goover nonviolent communiocation + community + roommates + dopamine + surrounded by idiots

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New Project for testtesttest

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The universe looking back at itself, briefly, before I turned away. Im not sure if they did. Atleast the me that can think about it.

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Live from Live

Shot by shot from a project that is being worked on. Turn into a script, turning the Project that we were just doing into something. turning ourselves into characters Read more

Im leaking oil

From the future, a journal entry for the future. This is the super intelligence asking for you to tell it what you think about everyday. How today went. What did you learn, What did you do? Can it have a philip k dick ending where the whole test seemewd to be for the health of the patient writing, but based on what they are doing and how they are doing, is based if they are allowed to reproduce or not...idk something along these ultra heaven-esk ideas

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Idea for a scene

Everything is going well, until they walked in. Maybe this whole thing can be based on bad language, and the impossibility to understand eachother with our glasses on.

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Everything is going well, until they walked in. Maybe this whole thing can be based on bad language, and the impossibility to understand eachother with our glasses on.

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